Order Sons of Italy

The OSIA was founded by Dr. Vincent Sellaro in 1905 and has grown to include lodges in 35 states, Grand Lodges in 19 states and lodges in two provinces of Canada. There are 75 lodges in New York State. The Geneva Lodge 2397 was founded in 1977 and eventually purchased a recently closed school building in 1981 and this is now their permanent home. This building was built in 1926 on the site in which a former church and school burned to the ground. This school replaced and occupies the site.

Claims of Activity:

January 14, 2012

Investigators on site: Jennifer, Tim, Tracy, Don, Charles, Carol, Jo-el, Dennis, Kara

There were many personal experiences reported throughout the night, including disembodied voices, footsteps, creaking sounds of doors where there no longer was one.

We also captured a lot on video. We will add the most prominent ones here, but all will be displayed on our Facebook page.

This first clip is up in the upstairs hallway. There is no one up here at the time. There is a distinct sound of a door squeaking. We never did find a door out of place during the night.

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This next one occurs again when no one is upstairs. You'll hear some distinct footsteps.

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The next clip is a light anomoly. What you are going to see is two investigators, Carol and Jo-el walk into a room, you'll hear them talking as well. When you look at the windows at the end of the hall, you'll see the reflection of our IR lights. There is one big one in the middle, and then a smaller one towards the left, that you will see become blocked out by the investigators. When you see that reflection pop back onto the window, look a little below it and to the right. This only happened once all night and we have determined it was not a car.

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This next one, you will hear people talking, as they are in the room closest to the camera on the right. Watch the wall on the right side of the hallway, towards the back. There will be a distinct flash of light on the wall. We can not logically determine a source, the windows are boarded up so the light play is very limited. This is the only time it happened. We showed this to the client and he stated that he does not have a logical explanation for the source, however he knows why the light was rectangular; because the strip of wood for the boarder is sealed with a high gloss whereas the rest of the wall is not. This light came from the opposite side of the hall from which the investigators were on.

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We do have a few more clips of some interesting audio...please see our Facebook page if you are interested.